UK Police PESTLE, SWOT Analysis & Other Strategic Thinking Tools
You may find the following UK police PESTLE analysis and other strategic thinking tools / infographics helpful when seeking promotion to Inspector or Chief Inspector. Consider them as discussion pieces to shape your promotion evidence around, helpful preparation materials when anticipating a presentation as part of your police promotion board, or as general CPD. All images are copyright Rank Success. These snippet extracts from my Video Masterclass and associated Exclusive Insights guide, the downloadable toolkit for Inspector / Chief Inspector, or my free blog.
Policing PESTLE Analysis
Policing SWOT Analysis
The PESTLE analysis examines the external environment and helps you assess trends. This allows you to identify the opportunities and threats. Combining this with identified strengths and weaknesses will then give you a solid grounding of a decent SWOT analysis. This can be scaled to the national, regional, force, BCU, or even local / team level, depending on the context. You can also use it as a personal SWOT to inform your CPD, a 'Killer Question' on police promotion boards and helpful should you face strengths-based interview questions. Either way, it will give you a useful tool to help structure your thinking in advance of a potential presentation as part of a promotion board. The below is a simple template SWOT analysis to help prompt your thinking.
Strategic Pushes and Pulls
This strategic thinking tool is something bespoke I created for those officers seeking promotion to the Inspector and particularly Chief Inspector ranks. I explain more with example interview questions in my blog, Thrifty Shades of Grey - Chapter 2.
Your CPD: Moving from Tactical to Strategic
This infographic simply highlights the direction your CPD needs to take when seeking promotion through the Federated ranks (and beyond). I explain the importance of CPD for your police promotion in my blog, The Killer Question. This graphic may become a useful talking piece for you when answering interview questions. In another blog, I discuss the general importance of taking a more strategic perspective when aspiring to Inspector. See also the 'pushes & pulls' blog above for more on this tactical to strategic concept.